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Who the fuck's idea was it to put /v/ and /x/ together
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Maybe I'll make a thread for it then, unless you just want me to go down a list right here.
You should defimitely make another thread then, I'm sure OP from '18 doesnt appreciate the appropriation of his almost 4 y/o otherwise-necro thread.
I was in this thread 4 years ago too. I'm just reflecting on it.
Then you know it has been abandoned for almost as long, and that there is nothing barring you from exposition on this matter. Serious question: what are your thoughts, issues, solutions, etc.?
Well, here it is >>>/qa/6590 →
Good thing, itd be a tragedy to violate the sanctity of thia thread

Summary of today's news
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The Microsoft monopoly is going to come down on sonyfags like a pile of bricks.

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Remember when modders found a vulnerability in the PS4 and were unable to test if it works on the PS5 because none of them were able to get their hands on one?
Fuck Sony. I swear those fucks are limiting the supply on purpose for the "hype".
>those fucks are limiting the supply on purpose for the "hype".
This is a tried and true tactic by corporate scumbags.
Sony only had like 5 games even before this thing. Maybe it'll be the final nail in the coffin for sonyfags.
File (hide): D7EEB6B497A656AD06936F4CC76D6F6C-3291312.mov (3.1 MB, Resolution:640x328 Length:00:00:09, RPReplay_Final1643773011.mov) [play once] [loop]

Mediums for Online Roleplaying Games
What's the best medium for ttrpgs, /mlpol/?
Do you use Roll20, Foundry, Discord, or Matrix to fascilitate online games? What do you like/dislike about them? What do you think makes for a good electronic tabletop. What other resources do you consider essential fulfilling online games?

What games are best played with electronic tabletops? Has compatibility with online resources ever influenced your choice of games?

To those of you who roleplay with meatspace groups, do you ever incorporate online resources or electronic tabletops into your games? How does that go? Can irl games be improved with online resources?

On this very board we've had a few ttrgs that have run entirely on /mlpol/ itself. To players of those games, would you say /mlpol/ is a good medium for ttrpgs? What do you like about chansites as a medium for roleplaying games? How have those games been? Would you like to play more ttrpgs on /mlpol/ in the near future? What does it take to run a good game on a small chansite like /mlpol/?
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I've typically used Discord for voice chat in games, and often combined that with an online tabletop like Roll20 or Foundry.
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Foundry and Discord are plenty
Foundry (for maps/macros) combined with Discord (for meetups/chatting) has been my default for gaming.
Discord is what I normally use for gaming too, but I've heard that some people have been switching to Matrix. I don't know how good matrix is for gaming though.
Does anybody use Roll20?
I hear it's popular among d&d 5e groups, because it works with dndbeyond.
Foundry is pretty good. Worth the initial investment.

Occupied Equestria
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[1d20 = 8]
The car pulls away, with a police car in the rear view mirror facing them, and is passed immediately by another police car, whose driver looks over toward Silver in the front passenger seat.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Is it possible to avoid suspicion and keep his wounds hidden?
Suspicion? Hard to say. But his vehicle is definitely seen.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
How could he avoid his wounds being seen?

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Black Magick SS - Hymn of Pride.mp4
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Last night was the new moon and i decided to do tarot cards and the 9th card i pulled was the upside down high priestess and i felt as if this card was extremely powerful in it's symbolism and all throughout today they have been number 9's everywhere, it also says "a secret is about to be revealed" and is ruled by la Luna so i know exactly what it means and it is not good.
Obviously the meaning of the card has come true with the fucking FBI posting this >>>/mlpol/280249 →
And activision posting this >>>/mlpol/280250 →
Obviously means that a secret has been revealed but i think there is more yet to come over the next couple of dates that involve the number 9, as the date (((they))) have revealed (((their))) secrets had the number 9.
I am obviously right, now that you can see.
The explanation of the upside down version card of the card reads as "delay all plans, because there are hidden obstacles or enemies. Be discreet"
Obviously i have not been discreet so the glow niggers might be hot on my ass trying to find me as this is something they probably don't want (You) fags to know, if i am abducted please know that this is the best Chan on the internet as of the moment and i had many laughs here.
I don't know why wouldn't still believe me.
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Woo hoo.
love from aryanne.jpg
My dear beloved mare you were the one for whom I gave the most care with your fair hair that i bushed incessantly and pleasantly, presently within my lair i still remember this year together that we shared and played. I'm sorry for not saying goodbye darling, it all happened so fast.
I loved you.
Amser eira...
>it all happened so fast
That it does fren. Without knowing your context, I sympathize most emphatically with your words and the spirit behind them.
i know that feel.jpg
The context is presumable, if you have an inkling of the past.
Last year the disappearance of Fionn brought forensic confusion and mania. Whilst the sudden death of Snow time has not been nearly as traumatic as the dismemberment of the previous bond, she has left the lingering stench of separation behind but not without dissatisfaction as previously before.
I accepted the mare's macabre ending as opposed to Fionn's relocation, upon which I gave my resentful rebellion for my love was taken away whereas Snow time has been put down by method of bolt to the brain.

My lessons learned from this snow mare have been unique and far more exciting than with any other pony, I had worked on gaining her trust for half a year before she recently died. In which period of pleasure I had many hours of playtime. What I have been imposed upon by her end is that my time spent with this barren dame has made me happy and content. Even in her physical absence, the legacy of her spirit rests under my care and no one else. Of which I am content to assume the rewarding role of tail keeper, that I shall honorably claim as some traditional type of sentimental remembrance. Her body has been burned in what I can only presume as being an oven from Auschwitz, her ashes were not kept however.
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She wanders through the darkness tonight, curious and studious, but alas, not studious. The presence of this invisible equine force is not unbeknownst to my awareness of her fairness, the erudition of this keen imagination is a mixture of comforted sorrow and benign melancholy.
The shadow of her spirit still lingers amongst the quiet hours of the night, translucent and angelic but nevertheless still somewhat haunting and daunting to bare solitary witness upon. This sepulchre specter is invigorating.
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Almost a year ago now, back when i lacked a path and wandered in vain of hope within the snow. So many experiences have come and gone, good and bad, happy and sad...
It appears now more than before that these words have become more comprehensible in a manner that i can somewhat use in remorse of my perverse plans of the past and present, the future is still a mystery but i have the ability to shape it into >rape
To be frank, the vagueness was too far fetched for the mindset i used to be engulfed within. What i have willed has manifested but out of entirely emotional reasons.
I remember that day clearly as if it were yesterday, the 19th. It was a nicely sunny day at the ending of Leo when the summer cycle was turning.

Internet Duels
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Has anyponer ever thought of using a video game to settle an internet argument, like a 1v1 game, fighting or FPS, as a duel of sorts? Is this already a thing? Can we make this happen concurrently with mlpol.net, or would there be too many complications with OPSEC? Posting here, let me know if it should move to /qa/.

Have at you!
122 replies and 42 files omitted.
>fighting games
>low skill entry
this really is a bait thread
158645 158654 158661
You know what? I'm tired of this.

There are no valid arguments for pretending the outcome of a political debate can be settled by who is better at Chess. Or Team Fortress 2. Or Pokemon. Or Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. Only a pseudointellectual subhuman would even suggest this. It does not matter what game is suggested unless that game provides an opportunity for the big strong right-winger to beat an effeminate leftist to death. Shockingly, competitive Halo does not provide this, so it is worthless in settling our differences.

I legitimately do not respect you or anyone else who would pretend it's on me to disprove something to your standard when it is factually and logically false. Spend more than a second questioning the premise of this thread instead of hurling childish insults around, your behaviour demeans us both.

Duelling is only worth something when there is a risk of physical injury or death, because this is earned by lying and insulting a good man's honour. Libtards deserve worse than what any good man could ever do to them in a duel. They certainly deserve worse than being beaten in a vidyagaem. Beating them in Poker will not hurt their feelings or slow down their creeping dominance of the world. None of our enemies would ever honour any wagers. Beating one Muslim in Yugioh won't convince them all to fuck off back to the Nigger East even if we promised we would all move to Venezuela if we lost. You would know this by now if you could. If you could understand why I am right you would have figured this out for yourself. The argument is self-defeating. An "internet duel" serves no useful purpose. I don't know why anyone would blindfold themselves and repeatedly insist "duelling good, only cowardly faggots disagree, hurr durr I don't hear any arguments against this" and expect a 5k word argument against it. Does the clown responsible for this thread hope to bait people into getting mad over the behaviour displayed by faggots who don't understand the truth? Is that the true purpose of this thread: Seeing who can remain calm in the face of blatant bad-faith trolling?

Our enemies rape children for fuck's sake.

Our enemies rape children and kill children and mutilate the genitals of children. Our enemies are pure evil and anyone with the capacity to understand what's right and what'd wrong knows this. Peace means accepting white genocide and it's only "accelerationism" if we resist. Do you really think getting an opportunity to call our enemies "cowards afraid of duelling in yugioh" or "liars who won't honour wagers over COD" is worth the risk that someone representing us and our ideals might lose? Think, nigger, think.

People out there practice vidyagames competively for hours every day. They take the game more seriously than life itself. For people like me with an actual life and healthy hobbies, that's not an option. For people with a real job, that's certainly not an option. Our enemies have funding. Our enemies are organized. Our enemies could pay any professional gamer without shame to represent them. How many streamers would jump at the chance to "punch a nazi in minecraft" only actually in Minecraft this time, and have their cock sucked by news sites for it?

Man is man. Woman is woman. If some tranny crushed you in Team Fortress 2 would that suddenly make trannies valid? Of course it fucking wouldn't, fuck anyone who would try even suggesting such a thing.

You're free to embarass yourself getting your shit stomped in Street Fighter by Daigo Umehara as he drags his sweaty Shoto balls across your face if you so please, but don't pretend even for a second that this will settle any argument other than "Who is the better Street Fighter player".

If you're going to say "You haven't made an argument", don't embarass yourself. If you're going to say "You are afraid of duelling me over the validity of duelling", don't. If your reply contains "You're just a", shush. No deflection, no dismissal, no smug desperate copium-huffing, no disgracing yourself with further insults against logic. Your bait is weak. The very premise of this thread is homosexual. My argument is obvious: We have nothing to gain from pretending even for a second that the outcome of a football match will decide what race deserves to be genocided and what race doesn't. Physically punishing leftists for assaulting our peaceful protests puts the fear of God into them, especially if the police cannot make an example of those responsible. But "pwning some n00bs in COD" will never show them the error of their ways. Vidyagame duelling is a bad idea. Think, faggot. Think.
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bump this thread...
>who would pretend it's on me to disprove something
Are you the same retard who blows a gasket whenever people ask for a source to back up your claims?
the "1V1" or one versus one has been a staple of fps games for decades, it is essentially a test of skill to see who is better. IE a Duel.

Pathfinder Game
Alright, I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've finally decided to run a pathfinder game. Probably.
Undecided about pathfinder v1 or v2 yet, and will take suggestions. I have a copy of foundry VTT and will likely be using that. I take security seriously and would not ask any of you to make an account with discord or anything like that. Perhaps matrix, but I'll need to get a good look at foundey first before making it a hard requirement.
Because of the nature of the universe, I will allow a lot of different races. Pretty much anything pathfinder or ponyfinder, though I will still do a screening of each player character for general sanity and how to best start and introduce each to the game. Also, I want you guys to decide where you want the majority of game play to be, either Everglow, Equus(Equestria), or Earth.

/* *** */

WW2 is in full swing for America with countless war effort propaganda being handed out. USA's largest occult ring in New York decides to do something about it and gets in contact with many other cities across USA to perform a ritual that should help with the war effort. Something to end it with. A date was set for Spring in 1944, enough time so word could get out and they could prepare. What they didn't count on was just how well word-of-mouth would spread or how large of a scope this would be.

It was a week after the ritual when people started noticing things. Random things showing up in random places, most of it mundane and cleaned up without much of a second thought. Random grass clippings, dirt, sludge, water, sometimes other things like a chunk of metal... It's not like anyone had time to speculate, ask, or even mention it to anyone else, keeping the war machine fed to guarantee the survival of their family and culture.
Canada was the first country to switch from war coverage to media coverage of cars or even whole houses disappearing; or the occasional half of a house or tree seemingly perfectly cut. They were the laughing stock of the world; for a short time. Brazil started coverage of random monsters showing up with a third of the city Brasilia disappearing with a good chunk of earth underneath, being replaced by what can only be described as an extraterrestrial city. Soon after many other countries started reporting similar such things.
China went completely dark, same with Papua New Guinea, and most of the middle eastern countries.

A month after the occult ritual, the entire war stopped. For the most part, everyone went home to their respective countries to deal with infrastructure problems, if they could get home. Manufacturing, at least for the factories that could still operate, for the most part was already making products to help deal with such problems. Houses had to be reclaimed from monsters, emergency housing had to be built, and in some cases, was built for what was described as non-aggressive beings.

Some more months roll by as various countries attempt quarantine to varying degrees, with varying degrees of success. Most of the time this translated to damage control, keeping critical infrastructure going. In some of the freer places of the world, the non-aggressive extraterrestrial beings were allowed to help, as strange as it was. People working around these can pretty easily tell that the aliens were just as distraught about the events as everyone else.

Around this time, now summer of 1944, some of these people, generally those working closest to the aliens from various dimensions, started developing traits found on the aliens. Hair, skin, sometimes limbs, internal organs, or some combination. It wasn’t for another year or two before the leading theory came from the lack of magic in humans is what allowed the innate magical nature of these aliens to get absorbed by some people.
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downlad mumble
forgot to say where to download mumble at
If you are using linux just get mumble from your package manager.
If you are using andoid, I believe its called plumble in the google play store.
If you are using iOS, take your phone and smash it with a hammer. Apple is one of the worst companies in existence.
I'm playing/DMing another game all day tomorrow, but I'll try to be there in time.
If anyone wants to hop in early, or whenever, I'm going to be setting up Foundry VTT until it starts. Or if you just wanna say hi.
No account is needed with mumble, and its quite secure.

horseholes.brony.team password: iwtcird
use the default port (64738)
Bumping because I still want to play this and know the GM is serious about running it.
a week or two ago I reviewed the kind of game that I want to run and I think the genesys game system is more suited than pathfinder.


I've played a few sessions with this game system and it was a lot of fun. Overall there is less rules to worry about, so I can focus more on the story aspect and facilitating the game.
I'll be posting rules for making pony characters with genesys system as I get to them.
Cool. I'd love to try it.

phrygian cap.jpg
Phrygian Cap
144263 144271
What's the occult history behind the phrygian cap? We seem to connect it with the french, but I see it pop up in historical paintings everywhere?

And it is connected to Mithra somehow??
>And it is connected to Mithra somehow??
I don't know about it, but I know it is connected to the masons.
Revolutionary movements in South America show the same phrygian cap everywhere and children school books mention openly that independentist leaders were affiliated to masonic lodges.
Just a curiosity?
Epstein's island has plenty of cult symbology which matches with Argentina and Uruguay flags.
The sun isn't an uncommon symbol.

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I stumbled unto this thing, the alchemy.
It has relevance in religion, literature, academia from the middle ages until know, psychology, science and it's development, medicine, metaphysics, metallurgy and modern materials, recent and distant history and ideology. Yet I know next to nothing about the art and science of alchemy.
Alchemy is like the body of a giant that we only see as a dead mountain, unknowing that the peaks are merely the fingertips of said giant.

Anyone got anything on alchemy? What is the meaning of "sol niger"? What are the three things "Hermes Trismegistos" is talking about? Why are signs of it everywhere?
Please share knowledge.
42 replies and 28 files omitted.
Lecture on alchemical symbolism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9x-GmPs3oE
>sol niger
Black Sun. A destructive force/process.

optical trick.
>optical trick.
Not quite. >>126805 shows it is a physical trick.
The problem with alchemy is that so much of the readings dating back hundreds of years are drenched in the delusions of larping posers who were only ever in it for muh gold; it's been buzzword metaphysics for centuries, and hardly anyone knows what it really is anymore.
The 'fruit' of alchemy is the perceptions and observations one discerns when engaged in the practices learned from the tablets. They depict a series of relatively simple practices conducted with specific but not overly difficult (in modern times) resources and processes that have a metaphorical/allegorical reference to a variety of observable phenomena in the triplicate experience of mind, body, and spirit. From these observations and perceptions one can apply the concepts in reference to the emerald tablet, and voila, you havr the means to metaphysically derive the route and ancilliary substances for any working, regardless of tradition.
TLDR Youre supposed to use it in conjunction, alchemy is not an ends, it is a means to an end
And if that makes any sense,
>Youre supposed to use it in conjunction
In conjunction with what?

Dream / Astral thread
Swore there was a thread somewhere for this already...
Anyway this is a thread to share, discuss, analyze, and view dreams, altered states of consciousness, and or astral projection.
And have fun. So also includes related greens and fiction if you want.
Doesn't have to make sense.

Felt extraordinarily compelled to post this for whatever reason.
An Fps 'game'. (Three noticeable equipment slots at the time. With health bar for me and the opposite team. That the combat exercises is going on. Scifi esk.)
Thoroughly "dunking" on some newbies by only using side weapons (the standard scifi pistol and a mysterious melee attack) as they try to run away once I'm too close.
They move slowly in trying to hit me, so they barely graze me (at most) and I break their defensive line(s).
I say "All it is, is a good game of solid fundamentals." I know this. (I AM completely competent. I'm on the move always, reliable, robust, and effcient. I am confident in myself. I perform stun locks to complete the full health to defeat per opposing team.) [It's friendly as a training exercise of some kind I think.]
I longingly look at the variety of 'scifi game' rootytooties point and _ies. The side arm scifi does burst damage and locks the target. The melee (not sure what it is because it just 'happens')

Transition to a map, with representations of us/me on the map.
Related is an over map where the 'sense' that I have to be scared is just sort of chilling out all calm like. I say nah and ignore the stale scared bit as that isn't how I (the soldier 'class') roll. [I feel it and not effected besides looking at it to see what it is.]
The hexagonal map has many things (parts not coming to mind) the short of it is something to do with powers and a 'greater' looming force.
I charge right in slipping by perfectly. (Like always)

Physical body is now awake.

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It started bothering me so I checked
> no dates in the dreams
The reason why writing down the date in your dream diary is so important is that without the date, you can't be sure whether the dream was actually meaningful or if you are just deluding yourself. Unfortunately, my early dream diary entries (which were actually originally written in random notebooks/paper) don't have any kind of dates written (just a horizontal line to separate them from the next entry) I started keeping the (proper) dream diary in September 2020 (2020-09-24 to be precise) and I added the approximate month to the earlier entries that lacked the date. The lockdown/flu dream was dated "Summer 2019" (which was the first dream that I ever recorded and the only early entry that actually had a written date), the OBE was dated "Summer 2020, July?", the dream where I was browsing mlpol was dated "late August/early September 2020" and the last dream was dated "a little earlier than the dream about mlpol".
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So semi-related and more on the news related side apparently tiktok and GenZ have been doing as they call it "Reality Shifting" (Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, whatever, feeling the feels imagining the place ect.)
It's starting to get more attention. In fact that's the reason why it caught my awareness is that.
The timing is auspicious. Especially with Uncle BearHeart's prediction about more contact, and full alien and astral presences being fully manifested. 2030 thingy.
I haven't dived into the history of where this originated, but those that have pushed (((the agenda))) may be confronted with a large generation of astrally aware, and magically capable people. Hopefully they heal fully from (((their))) interference and gain the strengths to overcome the challenges ahead.
Interestingly this opens another route for redpills to happen.
Sounds good, what's the plan?
Are you going to hide redpills in the hashtags or however those sites work? (I don't have tiktok)
I found a video on the topic if that helps https://youtu.be/q1mLq0QCkPk
What if a community for a somewhat redpilled show was infiltrated and enlightened over time?
It's impossible to hide redpills. Some people just won't or can't notice them.
Yes that's the video that shows just how prevalent it has become. Not quite in the normal fag space yet.
>What if a community for a somewhat redpilled show was infiltrated and enlightened over time?
Only if you love and enjoy that community as it is (and the future and past) as a member with appreciation for it/them. That doesn't mean ignoring problems and mistakes, but overcoming them and learning and growing despite the pitfalls. Then it's not infiltration and structural decay (aka what (((they))) do) is avoided.
Appropriately placed truth, and reliable accessibility for truth and facts and humor has a positive impact.

If someone is going to a group to distance themselves from (specific aspects of) reality and someone brings reality to them, and it's the stuff they are trying to eliminate from their lives. It's not going to be pleasant.
(((They))) tried doing that at GamerGate.
That said prompts and insights to how the world works on a deeper level for any kind of craft is useful. But it has to be a fundamental natural truth, that they can build up from that reaches the same heights.

>Are you going to hide redpills in the hashtags or however those sites work?
I'm not. Might have astral forces go around doing stuff, but I'd be more of a hindrance invading that area without lurking enough.
>what's the plan?
No plan, this is speculation and a prediction.
Because when people are outside of Evil systems they have the freedom to go beyond what is dictated.
That means truth about reality is shown. While the lucid construct or dream or astral, ect parts of truths and redpills seep in. That's more of an unconscious or subconscious or even a soul thing.
Not all the time and not at nearly the rate being in the field here can unearth.
I've been having quite a few nightmares recently. I'm not sure what's causing it. I guess it could be that I've been trying to go to bed earlier.

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